Friday, January 13, 2012


I'm not speaking about nefarious labels that people lay on you because they are being judgmental and they don't know WHO they are. What I'm referring to is are you Personally Accountable and Responsible? Is your life reflecting an example for humanity on a daily basis? Will your legacy speak out loud the benefit you imparted during your life? These are questions I ask myself frequently, so don't feel singled out. Everyone has something to offer, good, bad, or indifferent and it will affect future generations.

I won't go into a lot of detail in this post, but what I will contribute is this. My definition of P.A.R., is a life lived through a filter of True Honor, Integrity, Loyalty, and Courage. Examine the motives for your actions, dig deep into WHO YOU are, and do your best with what you have.

You are a very unique individual with a purpose and a destiny, and the best and most effective way to accomplish a quality life is to live a life up to P.A.R....are you?

Ninja Hugs, ~M

Monday, January 2, 2012


So here we are, 2012. Wow! Did any of us ever imagine we would make it this far? 2012 sounds futuristic and (I hate to say it) catastrophic at the same time. With all of the stories about what this year may bring, it may be difficult for some people to be optimistic. However, looking on a realistic side, I don't know what this year will bring to me, but I do KNOW what I will bring into it. 

I don't know about you, but I spent the better part of 2011 using my words to help lay groundwork for my future and also the future of those around me. "How do you do that?" you may ask. Well, my words created an atmosphere for my attitude, which in turn laid a groundwork for my actions. When I spoke (or wrote), I became very cognizant of not only WHAT I was saying, but WHY I said it. I realize that the example I give people, as a member of humanity, directly effects everyone I come into contact with. Not only did my words have to align with my actions, but my actions had to align with my words. So, good, bad, or indifferent the overall combination set my feet on a path for my future.

The year sped by and here I am in 2012 bringing everything I spoke and did last year into this one. My new year has been launched by what I put into action in the last 12 months. Now, there are a few things I would have liked to change or didn't do at all, but that is just life and I believe I learned from those actions. Thank God it was mostly positive.

So what I would like to do right now, is encourage you to start NOW, while the year is new, to take your words and actions, and be aware of what you're putting out there into the lives of others. Pay attention to how you're effecting your friends, family, coworkers and so on, and actually see what you can do to build positively into your new year. Starting fresh is a daily occurrence, not one that begins with January 1st, however, it's as good a time as any to start being WHO you should be.

Let's step into this new year with Personal Accountability and Responsibility to our fellow man, albeit through a filter of true honor, integrity and courage, and be the people that we are called be. People that are Legacy minded and destiny shakers. Step into your destiny by paving a path for others to follow. Pour into others "you", and you will be surprised at how fulfilled you become.

Lastly, align all that you are into what you should be, and step into your new year with the greatness that really is in you. I know you can do it and I believe in you.

Ninja Hugs and Warrior Blessings!
