So here I am again...ticked off at people who have offense in their heart towards others and think it's okay. Like they're going to have their own corner of Heaven to stay away from the folks they couldn't stand on Earth. Let me fill you in on a little secret, don't get all comfy thinking you're going to make it there at all if you have offense or hatred in your heart towards a brother or sister in the Lord.
But Monua, they did this or what. If you don't let it go you put yourself in a position above God. Yeah, I said that. See, when we accept Jesus as our Savior, He forgives us of our sins. He can do that. Now, if you think you're the Savior and can hold sins against others, you basically are delusional not to mention in spiritual trouble. Have I dealt with this? Oh yeah. Many times. Just when I thought I was over something, that person came around or did their usual "stuff" and that upset rose up in my emotions. Which meant I hadn't forgiven them. I had to repent, again.
This is the dealio, let it go. If you offended someone, go to them and apologize. If they accept it great! If not, then it's on their head not yours. Move on. Don't allow yourself to be in a self-imposed emotional prison over it any longer. Visualize letting it go and handing it over to God.
I know people who still hold past marriage crap against their ex...and the ex is a Christian. And that person is supposed to be a Christian themselves! Really?!
No, you don't get to avoid them in Heaven, if you even make it there! Make it right here so you can avoid a whole lot of trouble in the future.
Yeah, I'm being real here folks. Get over your offense. Pray about it and let it go. There are times when things won't get rectified with the other person. It is what it is. But your destiny and purpose is more important than other people's hangups. Simple as that.
This is where I back up what I'm teaching you, with Scripture. By the way, if you don't believe in the Bible or Jesus, that's okay too. But trust me when I say, that disease can follow hatred, and so does depression. Just sayin'....don't defeat your own purpose by cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Anyway, 1 John 4:20 says "If someone says, "I love God," but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is a liar; for if we don't love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see?"NLT.
1 John 2:9 says if you say you're in the light and you hate your brother you're still in darkness.
So do us all a favor, stop calling yourself a follower of Christ if you are rude and mean and say bad things about other believers. It's not up to you to be judge and jury. In fact, you're placing judgement on your own head. Just sayin' .
Treat others how you want to be treated. However, I'm not saying you have to go buy curtains with these people, just be cool. Be a good example of how Christ wants you to be. Pray for them and ask God to fix it. Be courteous, and let your actions be top drawer. But do yourself a favor, let it go. It's rough and unpleasant, but people will be people and you can't change anyone but YOU.
I totally understand this situation so I'm speaking from experience. I still deal with it. But I found that asking the Lord to fix it takes a huge burden off of my heart. It would be great if we could all just get along with each other. But reality is reality and not everyone is going to like you or forgive you or be nice to you...even if you apologize or be nice to them or whatever amends you do.
Trust me when I say, I hold my Christian brothers and sisters to account. Have you ever been embarrassed because a family member was acting like a total bonehead? Well, some of you need to stop making the rest of your "family" look bad and straighten up.
Just because you go to a burger shop doesn't make you a hamburger, so just because you go to church and look and act good, doesn't make you a true Believer or Christian.
Accountability is doing the right things the right way and for the right reasons. Personal Accountability and Responsibility is moment by moment for a lifetime. Your destiny and legacy depend on it. Humanity needs people who are productive in building into the lives of others. Whether or not you belong to a particular faith or no faith at all even.
But yes, this is written mainly to my Christian family. Straighten up and fly right, like my mom would say.
So, in closing, I would like to encourage you to reflect on what you might be doing to hold yourself back. Offense is a huge destiny blocker. It keeps you in a prison you can't see. That's how unforgiveness works peeps. It hurts you and affects everyone else around you.
Be the "bigger" person. Be the example to your family and friends that you should be. Trust me when I say, it isn't words that make a person. In fact, shut up and let your life do the speaking.
Just a thought :) ~M