Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Have you ever been on the receiving end of criticism regarding your fashion style? Or maybe the way you wear your hair, the car you drive...and god forbid...the kind of dog you own! At some point in your life you have or you still do. And for what? Tell me, what is the whole purpose? The answer is, so you can be popular and accepted. Really? I have a feeling I'm headed for a rant. Look around you, listen to the news or read the headlines. What is the number one topic these days? Bullying, that's what is topping blogs, news, and mindsets. Now you tell me, why? Because of how someone looks or talks, or what they're wearing. On one hand you've got the soccer mom who's pissed off because some kid made fun of her kid, but on the other side of the conversation she's rolling her eyes at the dreadful way her neighbor wears her makeup. What I'm finding here is people who are out of balance with WHO they are. Frankly, most people have no idea who they are. Social media tells you that this season you have to do this or that, or look this way or that, and if you don't you will not be popular or gain new friends. Excuse me, but the last time I looked, I was born into a free country to look and be who I wish to be. My individuality isn't for sale peeps. And....here's the clincher...I don't need YOUR opinion to validate who I am as a person! Each of us are unique in every way imaginable. If you ask me, some people are more concerned with what attire they're wearing on the outside than the attitude they carry on the inside. And it's that kind of attitude that breeds contempt for others individuality. If blue was the only color in the world, or purple the only color skin, this world would be a very boring place to live. What makes life exciting is the variety of creation and everything that encompasses fruition of creativity! Seriously people, if you want to be enslaved by the current trends of social mediocrity, that's your deal. But as for me, I love the fact that I can look all around me and see the beauty of humanity with all of its flaws, and in all of its unique grandeur. If it takes putting me into a social cookie cutter to be accepted...well I guess I'm just going to have to pass on that. There are others out there who feel the same as I do, but they haven't taken that step of faith into the realization that they were born unique and that their destiny on this planet was designed specifically for them and them alone to fulfill. I want to encourage you today, to stop and take a look around you. Inhale the wonder of the world around you and realize that you are not alone. Your individuality is what makes you so special. So what if you're not into the latest styles. Who cares if your car isn't the newest, or your house isn't considered chic on the block. Just change your mind and believe, that it just doesn't matter. You are who you are. Obviously we can all make alterations in our lives to be the best "us" we can be. Because humanity counts on us to pave the way for the next generation to benefit from our legacy. What do you have to offer? Maybe little in the eyes of some, but in the big picture, you matter. And your life does directly effect someone somewhere. It's your choice as to how you want to impact humanity; good, bad, or indifferent. Either way, you will in some manner. Just remember. You are YOU and you are special and unique and I applaud you for it. All it takes is realizing that you add to the variety and beauty of this world and no one can take that from you unless you allow it. Your choices are that...your choices. So, I encourage you to make the choice to be a person of Honor, Integrity, Loyalty and Courage. These things last forever my friend.
Ninja Hugs, ~M

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I know what you're thinking...."God can heal everything!". So, first off YES He can. But...sometimes He says NO! Yes I did say that! Here, let me say it again...GOD SAYS NO! In all of His infinite love, kindness, and miraculous doing, He wants us to rely totally on Him for Who He is and not what He can do for us.

Unfortunately the 21st century church has grown so fat on His promises and what He will provide, that we have forgotten that included in His blessing is suffering (Philippians 1:29). We live in a gimme gimme gimme mentality, tailoring the God of all creation to what fits us and our wants...and not us forming our lives to His will for our lives.

Remember in the Book of Luke when Jesus was teaching (Chapter 5), and some men came carrying their friend on a mat to Jesus; they couldn't get through the crowd so they tore a hole in the roof and brought him down that way? They had the faith that Jesus could heal their friend if they could only get to Him. But when they finally got there after all that work, Jesus saw their faith and said "Friend, your sins are forgiven". Imagine what they were thinking! After all the trouble getting there, tearing a hole in a strangers roof, then getting their friend to Jesus, all He says is your sins are forgiven? Wait a minute! I'm sure that was like cold water being thrown in their face. In actuality, forgiveness was all that was needed. But because Jesus knew what was going on in the hearts of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, he said to them "but that you may know that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins..."He said to the paralyzed man, "I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home".

I believe to strengthen their faith, the man was healed, but it wasn't mandatory at all. What was important was the spiritual condition of the man. To live trapped in the present with a broken body and a broken soul would be hell on earth. And then to die in his sins, well, I think we know the answer to that one (Matthew 18:9).

Paul is a great example of a man who's spiritual power and faith turned the world on it's ear; however, in order for him not to be conceited, he was given a "thorn in his flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me" (1 Corinthians 12). No one really knows what that "thorn" was, but we do know, that it wasn't comfortable, and it was a physical issue. Come on, we're talking about Paul here! A man of GREAT FAITH! But what was more important here? His spiritual condition? Or his bodily comfort? Paul "pleaded" with the Lord three times to take it away. And guess what the Lord said? A resounding NO! The Lord explained it to Paul this way, "But He said to me, MY GRACE (favor, sanctification, approval) IS SUFFICIENT FOR YOU, for my POWER is made PERFECT in WEAKNESS." Try to explain that one in today's church!

Does this mean we shouldn't ask the Lord or fervently pray for healing? Absolutely not! We are supposed to ask, pray, and stay before the Lord in all things and do it with thanksgiving. But sometimes the answer is no. Don't allow your faith to waiver because He is faithful to bring us through every trial and every sickness (because by His stripes we are healed), but as a parent, sometimes the answer is no.

We don't know why, and we don't understand it, but know this, "ALL THINGS work together for GOOD to them that LOVE God, to them who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).

Trying to figure out why the Lord does what He does isn't what we should be focusing on because He did say "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord."

But that, is what faith is all about. Trusting Him no matter what and no matter the answer. Just know that He is faithful and loves you! We are His creation and His children and the end result is eternity with Him.

Many are those who have prayed for healing but they went on to be with the Lord anyway. This is tough to swallow, but in the grief is comfort knowing that there is no more pain and suffering for our loved ones. There are those who receive healing...YAY! Their faith is stronger and their testimony may be what brings another to Christ. We just never know. But a "no" doesn't negate the Power of our Creator, nor does it mean He doesn't care about you and your situation. What is important, is your faith and reliance on Him.

In closing, I want to encourage you to stand strong in faith and in the power of His might. Never give up!

Ninja Hugs and Warrior Blessings!

Friday, January 13, 2012


I'm not speaking about nefarious labels that people lay on you because they are being judgmental and they don't know WHO they are. What I'm referring to is are you Personally Accountable and Responsible? Is your life reflecting an example for humanity on a daily basis? Will your legacy speak out loud the benefit you imparted during your life? These are questions I ask myself frequently, so don't feel singled out. Everyone has something to offer, good, bad, or indifferent and it will affect future generations.

I won't go into a lot of detail in this post, but what I will contribute is this. My definition of P.A.R., is a life lived through a filter of True Honor, Integrity, Loyalty, and Courage. Examine the motives for your actions, dig deep into WHO YOU are, and do your best with what you have.

You are a very unique individual with a purpose and a destiny, and the best and most effective way to accomplish a quality life is to live a life up to P.A.R....are you?

Ninja Hugs, ~M

Monday, January 2, 2012


So here we are, 2012. Wow! Did any of us ever imagine we would make it this far? 2012 sounds futuristic and (I hate to say it) catastrophic at the same time. With all of the stories about what this year may bring, it may be difficult for some people to be optimistic. However, looking on a realistic side, I don't know what this year will bring to me, but I do KNOW what I will bring into it. 

I don't know about you, but I spent the better part of 2011 using my words to help lay groundwork for my future and also the future of those around me. "How do you do that?" you may ask. Well, my words created an atmosphere for my attitude, which in turn laid a groundwork for my actions. When I spoke (or wrote), I became very cognizant of not only WHAT I was saying, but WHY I said it. I realize that the example I give people, as a member of humanity, directly effects everyone I come into contact with. Not only did my words have to align with my actions, but my actions had to align with my words. So, good, bad, or indifferent the overall combination set my feet on a path for my future.

The year sped by and here I am in 2012 bringing everything I spoke and did last year into this one. My new year has been launched by what I put into action in the last 12 months. Now, there are a few things I would have liked to change or didn't do at all, but that is just life and I believe I learned from those actions. Thank God it was mostly positive.

So what I would like to do right now, is encourage you to start NOW, while the year is new, to take your words and actions, and be aware of what you're putting out there into the lives of others. Pay attention to how you're effecting your friends, family, coworkers and so on, and actually see what you can do to build positively into your new year. Starting fresh is a daily occurrence, not one that begins with January 1st, however, it's as good a time as any to start being WHO you should be.

Let's step into this new year with Personal Accountability and Responsibility to our fellow man, albeit through a filter of true honor, integrity and courage, and be the people that we are called be. People that are Legacy minded and destiny shakers. Step into your destiny by paving a path for others to follow. Pour into others "you", and you will be surprised at how fulfilled you become.

Lastly, align all that you are into what you should be, and step into your new year with the greatness that really is in you. I know you can do it and I believe in you.

Ninja Hugs and Warrior Blessings!
