This is the way I look at it; these people had a character flaw to begin with, and a little bit of power became a conduit for their true self to come out. Which in my eyes is the opposite of what should be. The more responsibility you attain, or the higher ranking you are, the more accountable you HAVE to be. This is how we should be effecting future generations. Granted, it will be effected good, bad, or indifferent. But how about for the BENEFIT of humanity?
What I have learned is to be passed on to others, it is that simple. I already know what I know, and I know what I have accomplished, so it is up to me to impart it. And to build into the lives of others. It is the very least I can do with what I have been given. Helping others to pull out the greatness they have in them is what a martial artist should do. Whether or not you're in the MA's doesn't matter. Giving of yourself is a gift to humanity and it echos your legacy long after you're gone.
Give while you can, be the best you can be with the little time you're granted, and pull others up and help them to be an inspiration to their future generation...just a thought :) ~M
Ninja Hugs and Warrior Blessings!